We support children’s learning in our nursery by providing a wide range of opportunities, experiences and activities linked to the principles underpinning high quality early education as set out in the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).
Children are valued for who they are, the knowledge, skills, interests and experience they have and the contribution they make.

The Statutory Framework for the EYFS is used to guide planning across all seven areas of learning which are detailed as:
Prime Areas
Personal, Social and Emotional development
Physical development
Communication and Language development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
The main focus for staff when planning activities to promote and progress a child’s development and learning is their individual needs, taking into account the child’s development stage and what they have already achieved then building on that.
We use In The Moment planning and take the children's interests into account and are used to plan activities and opportunities so learning is fun and inclusive for every child. Children are encouraged using positive praise and reinforcement and targets set for each child are realistic and achievable whilst being challenging and an aid to their learning.
Staff are trained to understand child development and next steps and ongoing training is provided to ensure they are kept abreast of new information. Workshops are provided when required to support staff in understanding new legislation and EYFS guidelines and to provide fresh ideas for them to support their children.
All areas of our nurseries are used to their fullest extent and our children have opportunities to take part in outside play, language, dance, music and drama classes and sporting activities each week. High quality resources and equipment are provided and storage is made accessible so children of all ages can self-select and make independent choices.
Information on every child’s learning and development is shared with and contributed to by parents and carers using their observations and photographs.
For more details on the Early Years Foundation Stage framework